Who needs Third Party Verification (TPV)

Telemarketing Companies as well as Phone Service providers are required to use a TPV (Third Party Verification) in selling products or services over the phone as well as those who take electronic payments receiving either written or voice recorded authorizations. This also applies to anyone who wants to have a TPV record or Verbal Contract to fall back on when fighting chargeback or billing dispute.

Norbell offers a free professional consultation including help with designing your call flow. Upon request we will customize the IVR script to meet your verification standards and rules.

By Phone

Verification retrievals may be accessed at anytime with a touch tone phone. Verifications may be retrieved by over the phone with a confirmation number. You can call into 's automated system to listen to your stored verifications for up to 120 days standard or longer upon request.

By Email

Instantly forward Email verifications back to you. You will have immediate access to all audio and data collected. Emails will contain captured text data and audio. Audio answers can be treaded into single file or they can be separate into multiple files for every collected audio answer. Also the audio files may be attached to email, or we can put links to the audio files and host them on our Password Protected Data. N.B. If you do not have an email account that is powerful enough to handle high volumes traffic with large attachments, then we can provide a powerful email account.*

By Web-Mail

We also offer a password protected web-based email interface for easily retrieving verifications. You may also use message handling software to categorize, label, sort, organize, and search your verifications.


Text Data and Audio Recordings may be downloaded at anytime with a FTP Client or Played via Web Browser, text editor, and Media Player.

By Web

Text Data and Audio Recordings may be downloaded at anytime with a Web Browser, Text editor and Media Player.


Audio Recordings and Master Data File may be burned to a CD-ROM and shipped to you. MS Access 2000 and Media Player are required.


Audio Recordings and Master Data File may be burned to a DVDD-ROM and shipped to you. MS Access 2000 and Media Player are required.


This is basically our Verbal Contracts Service that uses our Virtual Phone Recording System. In this scenario the sales agents will do most of the talking. In many cases reading a telemarketing call script on a piece of paper in front of them.

PRE-SCRIPTED TPV (automated Q&A session)

An automated attendant will walk the caller through a series of pre-scripted questions and collect recorded or touch tone answers. Next, Norbell will append a Time and Date stamp and issue a unique confirmation number. We would then email the entire verification to any email address you choose. We can also record long phone conversations that allow the sales agents to do most of the talking.


Starts out with open ended conversation and then moves to a pre-scripted automated attendant. We will capture, record, and store voice authorizations automatically. Norbell’s TPV are created by calling into Norbell's Automated System.

High Quality Recordings:

Norbell will record your scripted menus and questions in a recording studio so your automated attendant sounds just the way you want.

Verification Capacity

Norbell's system is highly scalable, and up-gradable for rapid growth. We can scale to meet your call volumes.

Verification Storage Capacity

We can store and archive your verifications for up to 10 years. We may also burn your verifications to a CD and then archive them in our data vault.

Toll Free Numbers Available

Norbell can provide a Toll Free line for your verifications. We will forward a Toll Free Number into your Verification System.

Backup and Protection

We can forward record messages as file attachments to a backup email account. For additional backup and protection, we can also forward verifications to a backup server for triple protection.

Encryption Services

For those requiring E-Commerce Transactions with credit cards and banking info, we can Setup a VPN tunnel between Norbell and your Company at a very low cost.

All of the information needed must be provided in a clear and precise way and should be contained in any communication with a customer for consent and verification of authorization from that customer for an order for a product or service:

  • Name and telephone number of the customer
  • Date of consent and verification of authorization
  • Questions to ensure that the customer is qualified to order the product or service and to authorize the billing
  • Explanation of the product or service offered
  • Explanation of applicable charges
  • Explicit customer acknowledgment that the charges will be assessed on the customer's telephone bill
  • Explanation of how a product or service can be cancelled
  • Description of how the charge will appear on the customer's telephone bill; and Information on whom to call and a working, toll-free telephone number for customer inquiries

Consent and verification of authorization from a customer

  • Written Documentation
    • 1. Written consent and verification of authorization shall be a separate document containing only the information required.
    • 2. The document shall be signed and dated by customer.
    • 3. The document shall not be combined with inducements of any kind on the same document.
  • Toll Free Electronic Authorization
  • Voice Recording
    • 1. The recorded conversation with a customer shall be in a clear, concise, and shall contain the information required.
    • 2. The recording shall include the entire and actual conversation with the customer.
  • Independent Third Party Verification Recording
    • 1. Verification shall be given to an independent third party with minimal participation by a service provider only to respond to specific questions from the customer.
    • 2. The recorded conversation with a customer shall be in a clear, concise and shall contain the information required.